Health is a condition of mind and physical well-being where infirmity and disease are absent. A number of definitions have also been used over the years for various medical purposes. The dictionary defines it as well being, good health or the absence of disease. The dictionary definition also includes the word bodily, indicating that health refers to the entire body rather than a single part. This modern understanding of health, however, has developed in line with developments in medical knowledge and research.
It has been seen that a well-balanced lifestyle and proper diet, exercise, and sleep have an impact on one’s overall health. These factors work hand in hand to ensure that the individual is healthy and is able to contribute to the maintenance of their bodies, mind, and spirit. It is not enough that healthcare professionals call it health; they must add to it the concept of wellness.
The fact that well-balanced lifestyles contribute to better overall health is easily noticeable by the large number of people who have both chronic illness and well-balanced lifestyles. People who have chronic illness are prone to developing mental disorders. These can include mood swings, anxiety, depression, and other psychological conditions which make it hard for them to get along with other people. In contrast, individuals with well-balanced lives are usually more upbeat and can enjoy greater social interaction. Thus, the causes of sickness and poor well-being can often be traced to either a lack of social interaction and communication or an overall poor state of health.
Another major indicator of poor well-being is the prevalence of mental health problems. Among adults over the age of 20, it has been shown that those who are healthy and well-balanced are more likely to be successful in coping with everyday stresses, while those who are unhealthy and have poor well-being are more likely to experience major depression episodes. It is no wonder then that maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle is crucial to achieving wellness.
Finally, another important component of achieving well-being and maintaining wellness is maintaining a healthy diet and a healthy way of living. A healthy diet is essential not only for nutrition but also for physical health, as well as mental health. Studies show that a healthy diet helps to reduce the prevalence and the severity of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, while a healthy diet can prevent the development of such illnesses in the first place.
Although there are many potential determinants of human health, factors related to lifestyle are by far the most important. By improving one’s lifestyle and making sure that he or she eats a healthy and balanced diet and exercises regularly, many of the potential determinants of health can be addressed. However, no single factor can determine one’s overall health. It takes a combination of good eating habits, a healthy lifestyle, and an active lifestyle to obtain optimal health.