If you’re wondering how heat affects skin care products, you’re not alone. According to board-certified dermatologist Sapna Palep, high temperatures increase the amount of sebum and oil on the skin. Consequently, retinoids and alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) facial treatments can be particularly irritating during the summer months. For those suffering from sensitive skin, Ciraldo suggests using retinoids or AHA products every other night. She also recommends giving facial scrubs a break.
Many skincare products go through stability tests in certified laboratories. During stability tests, the products are placed in an oven at 115oF and 70% humidity for six weeks to three months. This artificially ages the products to determine their shelf-life. Other tests, referred to as “time-lapse” or “temperature stability,” determine whether the products will remain stable over two years if exposed to extreme heat. These tests also determine the stability of the products’ formulas over a long period of time.
Another reason why heat is bad for your skincare products is because it can change the formulation. Sunscreen, for instance, can lose its protective power as the ingredients break down under heat. However, it still serves as a barrier against UVA and UVB rays. In addition, vitamin A and C in skincare products degrade under extreme temperatures. They lose their effectiveness because of their chemical composition. The product may even change colour and odour under heat.
Although most skincare products can withstand some amounts of heat, you should avoid them entirely in hot climates. High temperatures cause the skin to produce more oil and sweat than normal, so light products are best. If you want to keep your skin moisturized while experiencing heat, choose skincare products that are noncomedogenic, and avoid harsh ingredients. The same goes for fragrance. Avoid using facial masks and lotions as these may clog your pores.
Certain skincare products can be more stable at room temperature and do well in the refrigerator. However, this is not true for all products. Some products should be stored in the refrigerator as high temperatures cause their active ingredients to break down. The heat of the sun can also make the products less effective. For this reason, it is important to store skincare products at cool temperatures and keep them out of direct sunlight. As the skin ages, the effects of heat are exacerbated when they are exposed to too much heat.
Hot weather can also cause your skin to produce more oil, which can lead to breakouts. Applying a moisturizer during summer is particularly beneficial, as skin that is dehydrated is more susceptible to skin irritation. As heat can make skin oilier, sunscreens and other facial creams can become ineffective over time. If you want to avoid breakouts, you should consider switching to a different skincare regimen during the summer. That way, you can avoid overheating and irritation in the summer.